Microsoft Excel Macros


VBA Lesson 25: Userforms Properties and VBA Code

In this lesson we will review some of the properties of the userform, we will develop some programming to call the userform and some other programming within the userform itself.

Userforms Properties

When you double click on the userform name in the project window of the Visual Basic Editor the properties windows shows 35 properties of the userform. On this website we will work with two of them. For the other 33 properties see the tutorial on Excel macros (VBA)

VBA Code within the UserForm

In lesson 9 you have learned about events. The events trigger the macros. There are many events that happen around the userform. For example, a macro can start when the userform is shown (or activated) and another macro can start when a user clicks on a command button.

Go to the next lesson
26 : Labels  in VBA for Excel

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